Will you be visiting us for the first time? Find out what will typically happen on your visit here. Obviously we will deal with your personal situation individually and adjust the process to your specific needs. Contact us in advance if you have any questions.

1. We prepare

Before you visit our practice for the first time, we study the documents relating to your prior history, e.g. the examination findings, the referral letter from your doctor and the medical reports from previous visits to the doctor.


2. Initial contact

In your first appointment with us, we will ask about the prior history of your condition and carry out a clinical investigation. We will explain the image material and discuss the treatment plan.


Please bring the following with you:


  • Health insurance card

  • List of medication that you take regularly

  • Completed personal details form, which we will usually send you in advance


3. Further diagnostic investigation

According to the symptoms of your complaints and depending on the clinical/neurological findings, further investigations will be needed in order to make a detailed diagnosis. Normally an x-ray investigation and cross-sectional imaging, in most cases magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computer tomography (CT), will be needed.


4. Treatment recommendation and decision

We will have a detailed meeting to discuss the diagnosis and possible therapies, explain the treatment options and answer your questions.


5. Therapy and follow-up care

Whether you have surgery or not, we monitor your recovery, check your progression regularly and adjust or supplement the treatment if necessary. We are always here for you if you have any questions.